Mac Greeley Remembers Landing in the DMZ
by Captain Mac Greeley
Alfa Command Group, BLT 2/26
"I've been reviewing my log book plus a pocket-size green memoranda booklet I used while ALO and it looks as if I actually linked up with the battalion on 7 October 1968 at LZ Duster . . . at least the LZ on the web site looks the way I remember it and the timeline fits.
"After being assigned to BLT 2/26 by 3d MarDiv Hqtrs at Dong Ha, I went out to the Princeton, joined the battalion officially, picked up gear, and chopper'ed to Camp Carroll.
"Waited there a day or two for the weather to clear and came in on an H-34 with two other Marines (GySgt. Longo? and MSgt ???) and some cartons of C-rations; seems to me the pilot just hovered slightly off the deck as we jumped out and the crew chief kicked out the rations.

BLT 2/26 Forward Air Control Team in a photo taken near Danang in November 1968. Back row (L to R): Lucas, Jackson, Wilson, C. R. Nix, Bob. Middle row: unknown, Dale Pack (black shirt), Capt Peter Laux, Ron Smith, Baugh, Lupe. Front row: Capt Mac Greeley (ALO), Luke, Ricky Raines. Photo courtesy of Ron Smith.
"I think I had stuffed some beer for the troops into the cartons at Camp Carroll but maybe I just remember it that way because, looking back, I wish I had."
Capt Mac Greeley
Air Liaison Officer, BLT 2/26
Editor's note: Mac retired from the Marine Corps as a lieutenant colonel.