For the 1st time since 1948, the U.S. Marines have a new Camp!
YouTube has several spectacular short presentations on the Marines and our new camp. I recommend the following: U.S. Marines Just Activated Their First New Base in Nearly 70 Years (by the US Defense News).
The mission for our Marines is that in the event of war, we would be tactically harass the enemy throughout the Pacific area. Small independent groups of heavily armed Marines would be tasked with island hopping, taking control of man-made islands, destroying facilities, and holding the land.
The Commandant in testimony on Capitol Hill stated that in case of war, we would primarily be responsible … “to sink ships by any means possible.”
I recommend you all to call up YouTube and Camp Blaz and look at the equipment rolling off the supply ships. Much of it is absolutely unknown to me.
I would also mention (as an 03 Fire Support Coordinator type) that a new prototype USMC V-22 Osprey will have a tactical range all the way to the geographic center of the People’s Republic of China or virtually anywhere in that part of the Pacific. What may not be mentioned is that diplomatically, Japan wishes a permanent American presence in the Pacific, but not on Japan and with a reduced presence on Okinawa. Japan has already committed $28 million for the Camp Blaz technical buildout. As you may also know, in that part of the world, the Philippines has ‘invited’ the US out of their nation.
China needs to realize that it will not be allowed, with impunity, to take island/atolls and block internationally known navigationally recognized parts of the Pacific. The US Navy and US Coast Guard are in strong presence in the area. But, God forbid, combat actually takes place, the US Marines will be called upon to perform difficult missions while working in small isolated units with a larger degree of autonomy than we have in recent his history.
Yes, I know, I’d like to be there, too.
Keep up with a new chapter in our history: go to YouTube.
Semper Fi
John Brown 24
Tom Roadley
As much as some things change, they all really just stay the same.